Thursday, July 29, 2010

SMG President Li Ruigang: IPTV risk is too cool the temperature

SMG Shanghai Media Group president Li Ruigang said that IPTV is not to show one. IPTV is a very popular topic this year, this reporter interviewed came to Beijing to attend the "Fortune" Global Forum in Shanghai Media Group SMG president Li Ruigang. Participants during the Li Ruigang the first time "IPTV to be cool" point of view.

Beijing News: Shanghai Media get the first IPTV license, how to prepare for the operation of industrialization?

Li Ruigang: We first get the country on the IPTV license, there are a lot of the media to interview me. You are my first interview to accept the press on this issue. I do not want a high profile on this issue, because it has a lot going to deal with very complex relationship, we are in this area is not to show one.

This topic is very hot this year, my view is that IPTV should be cool. Many people see it too simple, even network TV, broadband TV and IPTV confused. IPTV in fact very complex, involving telecommunications and radio and television together, related to national policies of liberalization and try the game involves a lot of interest, related to technology to provide the details, including digital protection system technology, streaming media technology , equipment providers, the set-top box, server problems, but also the relationship between telecommunications operators coordination. All of these need to complete system solutions.

There is also the relationship between central and local authorities. Also from operations, the mutual sharing of the market, and many problems to crack. Such as central server, the user's cell to split, copyright protection system, electronic think-tank system, users need to be integrated management system. Very difficult and this is a complex issue.

Beijing News: What made steady progress this year in the IPTV project, SMG specific to do here what kind of work?

Li Ruigang: This year there will be some attempts, for example, and China Telecom Group's level of cooperation on the strategic framework to solve large problems. It also sought the views of the State Administration of Radio, because it involves opening up the content. I while ago to go to the British "Financial Times", organized a forum, a point I agree, IPTV is not Internet thing, but a TV.

Therefore, policy needs to be communication. This year we will select a number of cities in the country this experiment. Because at the technical level has been some international solution, so we will and mature technology developers collaborate to build a real business model. On IPTV, I think it is necessary to establish the physical platform, the second is to build service models. Such as China Mobile has a mature business model, but we have not this model, and will therefore absorb some relevant experience in other industries do. I personally think that the risk of IPTV great many unpredictable factors.

聽聽聽 鏂颁含鎶ワ細IPTV椤圭洰涓紝鏂囧箍闆嗗洟鎵撶畻鎶曞叆澶氬皯锛?br />
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